
I AM Called

I AM Called is a children’s fiction book about the journey of Miss BJB through a typical day of trying to walk out all that God has called her to be. As she deals with life’s adventures, she is faced with making a decision to answer God’s calls. Ideal for ages 2 – 11.

Available in hardcover and on Amazon’s Kindle.


Invisible Scars: The Poetic Journey of Miss BJB (Book + Album + DEVOTIONAL)

Invisible Scars: The Poetic Journey of Miss BJB is a collection of poems, song lyrics and spoken word scripts that exhibit the journey of her healing from emotional wounds in hardcover format only.

The Psalm Balm: Spoken Word Album featuring Miss BJB accompanies the Invisible Scars book. This digital album is available for pre-order, also.

The On A Journey To HealThySelf- 21 Day Challenge ebook is an additional resource written to guide you closer to emotional and spiritual healing from invisible scars. This ebook is in pdf format and will be emailed to you once your purchase is confirmed.


Miss BJB: Overcoming Mistaken Identity

Miss BJB: Overcoming Mistaken Identity

Feeling alone in a crowded room because no one seems to understand me was the story of Djuana Ross’ life. She suffered from mistaken identity. She felt invisible like people could see right through her and never know that she was hurting or that she was even there. Often mistaken, misjudged and misunderstood, it took many years for her to finally learn and accept that she is fine just the way God made her. 

Embracing her uniqueness while realizing that she was just like everyone else was what brought her total freedom from her life’s difficult challenges. In this book, you will learn that being yourself is as important as taking your next breath. No one else can breathe for you and waiting for another person to grasp your being is death to your true identity. You were meant to be different. Experiences in life and the opinions of others can weigh you down causing you to feel pressure to be perfect, but knowing who you are results in loving who you are. Comprehension is the key.  

Miss BJB is the testimony of how one can overcome mistaken identity by tackling issues such as suicide, rejection, and fear. Learn the life lessons from Djuana’s journey and know that you are not alone and you do matter.


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